(Remember The Boys Are Not Famous Yet)
(Ray Ray) I'm ready
(Roc) I am too we waiting on Prince slow self
(Prod) *knocking on the bathroom door* PRINCE IF YOU DON'T HURRY YOUR SLOW SELF UP WE ARE LEAVING YOU
(Prince) Calm down it takes time to look this good
(Ray Ray) Yea what ever can we leave now
(Prod) Yea lets go
(Prince) Wait how are we getting to the restaurant I look to good for the bus
(Prod) Ray's mom is suppose to take us
(Ray Ray) She said can't do it
(Prod) And you just not telling us
(Ray Ray) Well I forgot
(Roc) Man my dad will take us.
(Prince) This outfit and your dad puput don't go together
(Roc) Well do you have a better idea
(Prince) My dad will take us
(Prod) Why didn't you just say that at first
(Prince) Because I didn't want to
(Prod) Go call your dad
(Prince) Alright
Prince leave the room to go call his dad
(Prod) I aint trying to talk about him but he really think he is the junk just because his dad is a doctor and him mom is a lawyer
(Ray Ray) Tell me about it why are we friends with him again
(Roc) Because he can sing his ass of and we love him. We've been friends since we was in diapers
(Prod) Oh yea
Prince comes back into the room
(Prince) My dad said he would drive us and he is driving the Maybach
(Ray Ray) Cool. We riding in style
(Roc) It must be great to be rich huh!!
(Prince) Actually it is
(Prince) Actually it is
(Roc) What ever
(Prod) Why do you have to be soooo insensitive
(Prince) What he asked a question so I answered
(Prod) Yea but we all know Roc's situation
(Roc) I don't need y'all feeling sorry for me. My and I are just fine we can't afford 300 dollar shirts and 900 dollar glasses
(Ray Ray) I can't either
(Prod) Ray shut up!! how much is that shirt you are wearing now
(Ray Ray) 150
(Prod) Exactly
(Prince) I'm sorry Roc if I made you feel bad
(Roc) You didn't
(Prince) Well my dad just text me he's outside. Lets go.
The boys road to the restaurant in silence and when they pulled up to the restaurant they saw their number 1 girls Jillian, Shayla, Kyasha, and Kiara waiting on them.
(Prince) Don't it seem like their dresses get shorter every time we see them
(Ray Ray) Yep!!
(Roc) And thats the way I like it
(Roc) And thats the way I like it
(Prod) Ya'll are terrible. Is that the only thing ya'll noticed about them they look beautiful tonight
(Prince) I never said they didn't
(Ray Ray) Neither did I
(Roc) And I know I didn't I love Kiara more than life itself I would never want to leave her
(Prince) I feel the same way about Jillian
(Ray Ray) I love Shayla also
(Prodigy) I love Kyasha
(Prince) I don't see how she treats you like shit
(Prodigy) And I like it. Thats how we love each other
(Roc) Alright
(Ray Ray) Ok well can we go in already before we be single
(Prodigy) Lets go.
Inside the restaurant they are seated at the table waiting on their meals.
(Jillian) Ok I'm not trying to be pushy or anything but what did ya'll get us
(Prince) Don't you wait until after we eat
(Jillian) Not really.
(Prince) Fine!! Here you go *handing her a small orange box wrapped in a lime green bow*
(Jillian) O my god oh my god I wonder what it is!!! :-)
(Prince) Open it
(Jillian) OHMYGOD!!!!!!!! *opening the gift* Its a locket with your name on it and a picture of us in the inside I love *kisses Prince*
(Kyasha) Ok my turn and Prod my gift better be just as good as hers or better or imma give it right back to you.
(Prodigy) Here *handing Kyasha the pink box wrapped in a white bow* Open it and see
(Kyasha) Thank you *taking the box* Oh my god I love it Prod
(Kiara) What is it?
(Kyasha) Its a promise ring with a the matching heart locket with our picture and on the front of the locket it says Kyasha's Prod. Thank you babe *kisses Prod*
(Jillian) Awww thats so sweet
(Shayla) I know right soooooo Ray Ray what did you get me
(Ray Ray) I got you a locket that say ShayRay here it is
(Shayla) I mean like you could of let me open it first now its not a surprise
(Ray Ray) Ok but I still wrapped it in a light blue box with a dark blue bow.
(Shayla) Okaaaay
(Ray Ray) Just open it
(Shayla) Ok!! thanks honey *kisses Ray Ray*
(Roc) Kiara I love you sooooo much but you know I couldn't afford to get you anything that expensive so I hope you like *giving Kiara the gift bag*
(Kiara) Roc its doesn't matter how much money you spend on me its the thought that counts so thank you anyway. *kisses Roc*
(Roc) Ok open it and see what you pull out
(Kiara) Ok.
(Kiara) POV
The first thing I pulled out the bad was a book of coupons so I opened it and it was hugs and kisses coupons. I had coupons for just about everything. With these coupons it kind of made him my slave and I loved it. The next thing I pulled out was a mix cd full all my favorite songs I couldn't believe he remembered all of them this cd had 30 songs on them and he song them all and added a song that he wrote just for me.
The final thing I pulled out the bag was a box similar to the ones Kyasha, Shayla, and Kiara received.
(Kiara) Whats this
(Roc) Open it and see
(Kiara) Ok *opening the box* Oh my god I thought you couldn't afford the locket
(Roc) I couldn't and its not as expensive as theirs but I think it serves the same purpose. Also its doesn't say anything but one day I promise I will get one that say's something on it
(Kiara) Its ok this is perfect Roc I love it. This is the best Valentines Day ever. *crying*
(Roc) I'm happy I can make you happy *kisses Kiara*
(Kyasha) Awwww thats sooooo sweet. Prod why can't you be that sweet and thoughtful
(Prod) Kyasha I spent 700 dollars on this gift
(Kyasha) Its not about the money its about the thought
(Prod) Well do you want me to take it back
(Kyasha) No I didn't say I didn't like it
(Prod) Ok then so stop complaining
(Kyasha) What ever
Soon after the girls received their gifts they ate and went back to at Prince's house because he dad had a surprise for them. When they arrived all the boys parents was there
(Ray Ray) Are we in trouble
(Micheal) (Prince Dad) No not at all actually we have some good news for ya'll
(Prince) Ok dad what is it
(Micheal) Columbia Records wants to sign ya'll as Mindless Behavior
When Micheal said that everybody screamed in happiness and jumped up and down
(Micheal) But there is one more thing
(Prince) What?
(Micheal) Ya'll are gona have to move to NY for about a year
(Prince) Wow are we gonna be able to come back and visit *looking at Jillian*
(Micheal) Of course once or twice a month
(Ray Ray) But what about the girls
(Prod) We can't just leave them
(Jillian) This is ya'll dream. I think ya'll should should go. I wouldn't be happy knowing that we are the reason ya'll can't follow ya'lls dreams and plus its only for a year and ya'll can visit us
(Shayla) Jillian is right. I think ya'll should go
(Kiara) I do too
(Kyasha) So do I
(Prod) Are ya'll sure
(Girls) Yea
(Prod) Well I guess we are going to NY who's with me
(Ray Ray) I am!!
(Prince) I am!!
(Roc) I'm not I can't leave Kiara. I'm sorry ya'll have to go without me
To Be Continued.....
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